Run Hai Da 97

Ex Ren Ke 2
Type HANDY BC DWT **** BLT i **** Age **** years Status ****
Company ****
Registered Owner ****
Values in USD mil unless specified. Values subject to disclaimer. This is not a valuation certificate.

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Vessel Icon
Ex Name Ren Ke 2 (Dec 2009 - Jan 2018), Ping An Da 78 (Aug 2009 - Dec 2009), 9 Hull (Nov 2006 - Aug 2009)
Class ****
P&I Club
IMO 9506356
MMSI 414401540
Flag ****
Status ****
DWT ****
GT ****
CGT ****
LDT ****
Net Tonnage ****
Built i ****
LOA / Beam / Draft ****
Main Engine ****
Battery Pack ****
Speed / Cons i ****
Geared **** - ****
Self Discharging ****
Pumps ****
Holds ****
Capacity ****
TPC ****
Number of Legs ****
Leg Shape ****
Ice Class ****
Hull Notation ****
Additional Notation ****
Battery Pack Operation Modes ****
BWTS ****
BWTS Fitted Date ****
IHM Green Passport ****
Green Award ****
Passed Due Estimated Windowi
Special Survey **** ****  
Intermediate **** ****
Bottom/DD **** ****
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